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How to use Amazon UK desktop site on mobile devices

To go to the desktop version of the website on your mobile (iPhone, iPad, android phone and tablets), just click an Amazon Department shown above. Add this page to your home screen to always have easy access to the Amazon non mobile website.

When using a mobile device with a screen smaller than a desktop PC or laptop, mobile browsers such as Safari on iPhone or iPad report screen size when opening any website, so the site developers can choose to display a mobile version of the website.

Amazon mobile website

The Amazon mobile version of the website does include a "Go to Desktop Site" link at the bottom of each page - this can be hard to get to when mobile pages load additional items as you scroll! - clicking the switch to desktop link adds a querystring paremeter "force-full-site=1" and redirects you to the full version of the home page.

Amazon desktop website
Switch from mobile website to the Amazon full site classic desktop view on your phone or tablet

Sometimes mobile website versions don't include all the normal desktop features, by logging in to the Amazon UK site from your iPhone/iPad or android device you can navigate the desktop version using pinch to zoom.

Here at Coin Hunter - we like to keep track of all things related to money. We recommend taking a look at: Master The Art Of Money, the book shown below is available from Amazon as Paperback or Kindle ebook.

Master The Art Of Money: Achieve Financial Freedom
Master The Art Of Money: Achieve Financial Freedom

Amazon offer a mobile app to improve your online shopping experience. The app is clear and easy to use - and in testing on an IOS device, it did not take control away from the Amazon website open in safari. There was an option to switch to the app shown at the top of the browser.

If you’re looking for coins, both Change Checker and Koin Club offer products via Amazon marketplace.

© Coin Hunter 2022