Note: Any Premium listing Coin Dealers within 50 miles (straight line) of a location are shown at the top of this page. Other results are shown based on distance in closest first order.
Most of the city pages in the Coin Dealer Directory appear at or near the top Google search results. Click a Google search link to see actual results for a city based coin dealer search.
Note: Clicking any of the links in any of the coin dealer lists or maps shown above opens the page in the Coin Dealer Directory.
The standard free listing page shows adverts, some limited information about and the Coin Dealer finder at the top of the page.
Note: - since 26/04/2022, the free listing pages show a Coin Hunter email address (premium listings show direct email where available) - unfortunately due to lack of time, in most cases we are unable to review and forwarded emails to each free listing dealer, please request a full list of emails received if you would like to review and reply.
The Coin Dealer finder simply asks the customer if they want to buy or sell - online or in person (location used) - and then asks them to tick any that apply from Decimal, Pre Decimal (Milled), Hammered, Ancient, Precious Metal, Tokens, Medals, Foreign (World) and Notes.
Relevant results are selected to best meet the customer requirement from the set of Premium listings in the directory - if no matches are found, standard listings are returned (maximum of 20 relevant results per search).
Note: Coin Dealer finder results show location, contact information and website links.
To see what the page in the Coin Hunter - Coin Dealer Directory would look like as a Premium listing - click the link below.
Additional Premium listing benefits:
A Coin Dealer Directory Premium listing costs £10 per month - available as a 3 months subscription for £30 or save money with an annual subscription for £100 (2 months free).