Christmas Bonus Ballot: 2,021 more Face Value 2021 Snowman 50p's - Change Checker UK Coin Ballot

Change Checker says: "The best news is, because you are already signed up to the Change Checker Face Value Coin Ballot, you have automatically been entered - giving you a second change to own this coin for JUST 50p!"

There are 2,021 festive 50ps available for Change Checkers and the lucky winners will be contacted via email on the 12th November - meaning your coin will be with you in time for Christmas.

If you have not yet signed up for the Change Checker Face Value Coin Ballot - click the image below to add [2021 UK The Snowman BU 50p BALLOT ENTRY] to your basket and checkout with your free ballot entry.

Ballot entry is free

PLEASE NOTE: if you are already signed up to the Change Checker Face Value Coin Ballot, you will not need to do anything as we will automatically enter you into the ballot for the chance to own the 2021 UK The Snowman 50p for just 50p.

Check out the lastest BU coins available from the Change Checker website