Coin Hunter
£2 Coins

2020 75th Anniversary of VE Day £2 Coin Brilliant Uncirculated

Two pound coin struck to commemorate the historic 75th anniversary of the Allied victory in Europe.
2020 £2 Coin 75th Anniversary of VE Day
2020 CERTIFIED BU Commemorative Coins in Album
2020 CERTIFIED BU Commemorative Coins in Album

Available now from the Coin Hunter Royal Mint Shop

Coin Rarity / Mintage

Circulation Mintage: 0
BU Mintage: 131,788

The 75th Anniversary of VE Day £2 Coin was Not Struck For Circulation (NSFC), so wont be found in change.

This two pound coin was available to purchase in Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) quality from release date: 01 January 2020. Total BU Mintage figures include 31,322 coins in 75th Anniversary of VE Day Royal Mint packs and 100,466 sold in other packaging such as sets / cards (official distributors).

Coin Value - How much is my 75th Anniversary of VE Day £2 coin worth?


The Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) 75th Anniversary of VE Day £2 Coin was available from £8.99 on issue, in as new condition this BU £2 coin is worth about £6.

There are 37 UK £2 coin designs that can be found in your change - find out which £2 coins are the most valuable?

Coin Reverse (tails side)

A depiction of a woman holding a newspaper aloft in a celebrating crowd set against the backdrop of the word "VICTORY", accompanied by the inscription "VICTORY IN EUROPE DAY" and the dates "1945 – 2020"

Design by: Dominique Evans

Coin Obverse (heads side)

5th portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by Jody Clark with the inscription "ELIZABETH II • D • G • REG • F • D • 2 POUNDS •".

Coin Edge

The 2.5mm milled edge is inscribed with the text "JUST TRIUMPH AND PROUD SORROW".

Coin Specification

Denomination: £2
Alloy: Cupronickel (inner) Nickel-Brass (outer)
Weight: 12g
Diameter: 28.4mm
Quality: BU
Year: 2020

Coin condition and quality

The value of a coin is always related to the condition.

Prices shown on this page relate to coins available to buy in Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) quality. These are coins produced to a higher standard that show more detail and have none of the marks and scratches that will be seen on all circulation quality coins.