Innovation in Science Series of 50p and £2 coins 2019 - 2023
The Innovation in Science series of 50p and £2 coins will build to a set that celebrates landmark scientific achievments by British innovators.
The series started on the 12th of March 2019 when a fifty pence coin was issued by The Royal Mint to pay tribute to Professor Stephen Hawking and his work with black hole theory, just under a year after his death in 2018.
The final UK 50p coin in the Innovation in Science series was issued in 2022, the design incorporates elements of codebreaking as a fitting tribute to Alan Turing.
A first £2 coin, Alexander Graham Bell was added to the series in 2022, with the latest 2023 release marking the achivements of Edward Jenner in relation to the smallpox vaccine.
Coin Hunter e-book: UK 50p Coins GUIDE BOOK 2025: Click the image above
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2023 Ada Lovelace £2 Coin
Two pound coin struck to celebrate the legacy of one of computer science's early, female pioneers
Circulation Mintage: 0
BU Mintage: Unknown
2023 Edward Jenner Smallpox Vaccine £2 Coin
Two pound coin struck to mark Edward Jenner's achievment that ultimately led to the global eradication of smallpox
Circulation Mintage: 0
BU Mintage: Unknown
2022 Alan Turing 50p
Fifty pence coin struck to commemorate the life and achievements of Alan Turing, mathematician and computer scientist who played a crucial role in cracking Enigma machine coded messages during World War II
Circulation Mintage: 0
BU Mintage: 52,092
2022 Alexander Graham Bell £2 Coin
Two pound coin struck to celebrate the life and legacy of the inventor of the telephone.
Circulation Mintage: 0
BU Mintage: 90,336
2021 100 years of Insulin 50p
Fifty pence coin struck to celebrate 100 years of Insulin, one of the most significant medical breakthroughs of the twentieth century.
Circulation Mintage: 0
BU Mintage: 54,942
2021 Charles Babbage 50p
Fifty pence coin struck to celebrate the life and work of Charles Babbage who originated the concept of a digital programmable computer
Circulation Mintage: 0
BU Mintage: 46,292
2021 John Logie Baird Television Pioneer 50p
Fifty pence coin struck to celebrate the life and work of one of the United Kingdom's most innovative inventors
Circulation Mintage: 0
BU Mintage: 61,559
2020 Rosalind Franklin DNA Helix 50p
Fifty pence coin struck to celebrate the legacy of one of Britain's greatest scientists - Rosalind Franklin
Circulation Mintage: 0
BU Mintage: 69,277
2019 Stephen Hawking Black Holes 50p
Fifty pence coin struck to celebrate the life and legacy of one of the world's most brilliant scientists - Stephen Hawking
Circulation Mintage: 0
BU Mintage: 212,209