Coin Hunter
find the coin you're looking for

Why Coin Hunter

Coin Hunter brings sellers, dealers and collectors together to benefit all.

Sellers: The best price from the right dealer for your coins / collection.

A sellers coin collection is appraised by many dealers. The seller is likely to get a better price than going just to their closest coin buyer.

The online specialist coin valuation and purchase service will likely lead to buyers such as pawn brokers and scrap metal dealers being used much less, which in turn would increase stock available to professional coin dealers.

Competition among coin dealers to secure stock will mean that dealers pay a little more, but this will be offset by the large number of buying opportunities, allowing dealers to target the right items for their customer base.

Dealers: Sell more coins

All dealers have access to view all private collections offered for sale via the coin valuation and purchase service - and can make offers to secure the right stock.

It is true to say that a dealer and products that are highly visible online, will be more successful than a dealer with products that are rarely seen by potential customers.

Coin Hunter is like a shopping mall full of coin shops, with a search that can check every shop to find a specific coin in a few seconds. As a dealer you can be sure that all your coins can be found by collectors looking to build their collection.

Coin Hunter also includes a virtual business card for each dealer in a simple online directory. The card shows contact details and useful links such as website, eBay shop and BNTA membership. Collectors can be reassured when selecting a dealer, as listings in the directory are only available to trusted coin sellers.

Collectors: Find and buy coins from reputable dealers at a fair price.

Coin collectors come to the Coin Hunter website to:

Find a coin they are looking to buy quickly and easily - then select an item from results based on condition and price.

To find a coin dealer, whether this is based on location or any other factor.

To check / compare coin prices or learn more about coins.

© Coin Hunter 2018