On the 27th of April, starting at 12:00 midday, £1 million pounds of virtual change will be handed out to Coin Hunters
Coin Hunter is creating a special updated version of the successful online coin hunt app, which will now include error coins such as the undated 20p, flag error £2 and a bronze 20p that could be worth over £1,000. The lucky people who find virtual error coins will receive the real thing free with free postage.
An event practice version of the Coin Hunter App is available to play now. Just click the drop change button to receive a handful of two pound coins, one pound coins and 50 pence pieces that are currently in circulation.
To make it fun and not hard work, the coins all drop the right way up and neatly on the virtual hand. Your hands stay clean in the virtual world of checking coins, but if you spot any of the Royal Mint confirmed UK coin errors shown below, you can click it and lock it as your coin.
The real coin will be posted to you, normally coins found using the online app are ordered at face value plus postage, but as this is a special event, 20p error coins found will be free and include free signed for delivery.