Coin Hunter

Coin Dealers Directory

Hammered Coin Dealers

UK Hammered Coins for Sale - Coin Dealers that Sell / Buy English Hammered Coinage 600-1662

If you are looking for Hammered coin dealers - choose from a selection of UK Coin Dealers that stock or specialise in hammered coins.

Avere Coins
Avere Coins
Havant based BNTA listed dealer in quality English coins, medals and banknotes
Please mention Coin Hunter when you call: The Avere Team 01243 915 155

Silbury Coins
Silbury Coins
Antique coins - Iron age, Celtic, Roman, Saxon, Viking, Norman and Medieval coins
Please mention Coin Hunter when you call: John Philpotts, Nadine Brown 01242 898107 / 07793 676309
Cirencester, Gloucestershire

GM Coins
GM Coins
Coins, Medals, Antiques & Artifacts
Please mention Coin Hunter when you call: Glen Miller 07854 547371 / 01242 672 344
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

UK coins, World coins and medals
Please mention Coin Hunter when you call: Duncan Cook 01284 488735 / 075900 79500
Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk

Tony Spink Coins Ltd
Tony Spink Coins Ltd
Family run Numismatic business selling quality, rare Gold Coins
Please mention Coin Hunter when you call: 07722 340187

Hosker Haynes Auctioneers
Hosker Haynes Auctioneers
Specialist auctioneers of coins and numismatic material
Please mention Coin Hunter when you call: 0330 1336013
Leeds, Yorkshire

As the name suggests, hammered coins were struck with a hammer by hand, this can lead to the coin being struck off-centre, double struck, or some areas of the design not being struck as well as others. There may also be cracks present or other defects in the flan.

Coins struck earlier than the year 600 were also struck by hand with a hammer - Celtic Coinage (150 B.C. - 40 A.D.) and coins from Roman Britain (43 - 411) are examples of Ancient hammered coins.

K B Coins
Quality English milled and hammered coinage

Patrimony Coins
Hammered British Coins from early Anglo-Saxon to Commonwealth

Coins of Britain
English hammered coins and British coins from Celtic times to date
Monmouth, Wales

Cambridgeshire Coins
Specialising in proof coins, sets, gold and silver coins
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Andrews Coins
Bristish and World coins, tokens, medallions, medals, banknotes and stamps

Glenn Ogden Coins
UK Crowns-Farthings, Hammered and Tokens. Some Worldwide.
Taunton / Exeter, Somerset / Devon

Wessex Coins
Ancient Greek coins, Roman coins, milled coins, British hammered coins, shipwreck treasure coins, World coins, hoards and antiquities
Southampton, Hampshire

Anglo Saxon Coins
Anglo Saxon & Norman coins bought and sold

Medals, militaria, coins and banknotes

History in Coins
Hammered and milled Coins of England, Scotland and Ireland
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Hall's Hammered Coins
British hammered coins 600AD-1662AD

Den of Antiquity
Artefacts and coins
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Classical Numismatic Group Inc
Ancient Greek, Roman and British coins

Mark Rasmussen Numismatist Ltd
Coins, medallions, banknotes and tokens
Betchworth, Surrey

English hammered and milled coins, gold coins, World coins, medals and tokens

Spink & Son
Auctions of Ancient, British and foreign coins and commemorative medals

London Coins
English and foreign coins, gold coins, banknotes, medals, tokens, bonds, shares and other numismatic items

Coin Trust
Specialising in British (Shillings, Groats, Sixpences, Florin and more), Roman, Celtic, foreign, gold and silver coinage
Colchester, Essex

Chris Rudd
Celtic coins
Aylsham, Norfolk

Galata Coins
New and secondhand numismatic books - hammered coins, World coins, tokens and medals
Powys, Wales

R. Ingram Coins
Antique Coins - specialist UK coin dealers of old English coins
Eastleigh, Hampshire

The Bath Stamp & Coin Shop
Vintage coins, stamps, bank notes, military medals and memorabilia - Coin Shop in Bath
Bath, Somerset

RP Coins
Coins - hammered and milled, ancient to decimal
Manchester, Lancashire

Hammered British Coins Ltd
Specialist in hammered British coins
Salisbury, Wiltshire

Mike R Vosper Coins
Celtic, Greek, Roman, English, Irish and Scottish hammered coinage
Brandon, Suffolk

Dei Gratia
Coins, antiquities and banknotes from Great Britain, Roman to modern and tokens
Buckingham, Buckinghamshire

Warwick & Warwick Ltd
Auctioneers - stamps, coins and collectables

Studio Coins
British hammered coins

Paul Dawson York Ltd
Coins and medals

Roderick Richardson
English hammered and early milled coins

Coin Heritage (Philip Cohen Numismatics)
British and World collector coins issued from 1500 to 2000 and gold and silver coins

B & G Coins
Rare UK and foreign coins and medals
Spalding, Lincolnshire

Rare Coins and Tokens
Rare coins, tokens, medals and banknotes

Coins, banknotes, antiquities and other collectables

Dorset Coin Company
Buying & Selling of collectable Coins & Banknotes including Gold & Silver coins
Poole, Dorset

A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd
Rare Coins, medals, banknotes and tokens

Auctioneers and valuers of medals and militaria, coins, ancient coins, banknotes and tokens

St James's Auctions
Auctions of coins, medallions, tokens, paper money and related objects

Christopher Eimer
Coins, medals and medallic art

Sovereign Rarities Ltd
Coins from the ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine periods, British hammered and milled coins, World coins, commemorative medals and numismatic books

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